Hannes Pintaritsch

Hannes Pintaritsch Metro International
Technical Project Manager

Metro International

Metro International needed to integrate an expert and community blogging platform into several of their European news portals within a 3 months time-frame. We chose the Moveable Type platform, and we couldn't have realized this challenge without the expert guidance and custom plugin development by Pro-IT-Services.

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Amazon Books

Enrich your Web site pages with related books from Amazon, the top online books selling store.

What makes this service attractive is that in one hand it makes your Web site more attractive both to visitors (books) as well as to search engines (books descriptions, review etc) and on the other that it allows you to make some cash through the Amazon Associate program (affiliation).

Your benefit here is that through Amazon books links you enrich your Web pages content, boost your search engines marketing and also earn affiliate revenue.

Comment Live Preview Sample
* click on the image to enlarge
This is an Amazon Books Integration sample from MasterNewMedia's "Search Engine Optimization More Important Than Navigation Optimization? The Experts Reply" Article

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