Paolo C. Conti

Paolo C. Conti Cedites
Journalist. CEO


A reliable partner for blog and website development on Movable Type platform.

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Finance Web Site And Blog Development: The

As a passionate Movable Type Consultant (some folks like my design skills and call me Movable Type Designer) I'm impatient unless I code a good number of Movable Type projects every week.

They are all very nice projects and I would love to find some time to write about each and every one of them, but as you know we are living in a speedy era and time is tight.

However, I cannot resist the temptation and will share with you a project I've delivered recently which focuses on finance called The Basically it's a Web site built entirely in Movable Type which covers the following finance areas: Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards, Insurance, Banking, General Finance News & Articles.

I was again so fortunate to be building this Web site from the very roots. Everything started from the layout that the customer designed in PhotoShop. We've then had a few sessions over skype and agreed to make some changes that would improve the search engine optimization. Once the reference design in PhotoShop was ready, I've started to slice the images and code it in xhtml/css tableless Web page format.

Finance Web site Development: The

Coding the layout is such a nice experience. It always reminds me about the last 10 years of hand coding html, xhtml, dhtml, javasctipt, css, php, perl, ajax and more. While it takes me quite some time because I code everything by hand and I'm very meticulous and I like to have a final result which matches perfectly the reference (each and every pixel has to stay on the same position as on the PhotoShop Document), I'm really very happy with each and every Web site interface I build.

What was actually more interesting was coding the movable type publishing platform to allow the customer to be able to publish various types of content such as: Topic pages, Articles, Reviews and Tips & Information on each and every of the five financial subjects: Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards, Insurance and Banking.

Adding up the forms and tables present on these five areas main pages and topic pages, as well as the newsletter, refer to a friend, ajax contact form, plus all the other less visible and non-visible features that improve the Web site search engine positioning I must say this is quite a great and complex Web site.

The it's also the first Movable Type based web site I've developed which focuses on the financial sector.

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