Jay Brewer

Jay Brewer BlogPire Productions
Founder & President

BlogPire Productions

Mihai turned around a detailed server move in less than 24 hours and not a single thing was wrong with the move.

Home ›› Blog ›› Troubleshooting ›› How to fix the "ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE" error message in Google Chrome

How to fix the "ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE" error message in Google Chrome

If you're getting that annoying "ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE" message which prevents you to visit a given website that's using HTTPS, you should know that fixing it for Google Chrome is very simple.

Step 1: Search for the "TLS 1.3" setting

All you have copy the below line and to paste it in your Google Chrome address bar:


The very first option should read:

TLS 1.3

Sets the TLS 1.3 variant used. - Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android

And might be set to "Default", like this:

How do I fix the ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE error in Google Chrome - BEFORE

Change the "TLS 1.3" setting to "Disabled" (from "Default" or whatever it is)

Click on the button that reads "Default" on the right of the "TLS 1.3" setting and change it to "Disabled".

You should see something like this:

How do I fix the ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE error in Google Chrome - AFTER

Problem fixed!

Mihai Bocsaru

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