David Churchill

David Churchill D Churchill LTD

D Churchill LTD

I found Mihai online and thought his service was exactly what I needed, and it was. He was able to turn my photoshop design into a working website.

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MovableType Customization

Implementing and adapting the MovableType Publishing Platform to over 50 satisfied customers, including major organizations, we are ready to provide you a completely customized Publishing Platform adapted for your specific needs.

What does a completely customized Publishing Platform means?

Well, there are customers whose publishing needs require additional database fields for entering data they want to be displayed on the weblog-driven Web site.

A weblog application comes up with a fixed number of data entry fields.

Here PRO IT Service experienced developers build up your database architecture, tweak MovableType and provide you the entire set of specific input fields you require.

Once the work on the database and publishing system files is completed, we then work on coding the templates for displaying database-driven content.

Nothing makes us happier than seeing a customer who is delighted with our service.

Apart from work done on the Publishing System framework itself, we are ready to offer you custom programming for developing any sort of extra facilities you would like to enrich your Weblog pages with.

While you are welcome to let us know what you would like to build up on your Movable Type Weblog-driven Web site, make sure to look at the extra facilities we generally build for our MovableType customers, listed further below.

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