Jen Pleasants

Jen Pleasants Show The Love Media, LLC


Mihai rocks! I have so enjoyed working with him. He is smart, professional, efficient and thoughtful. His recommendations have enhanced my business, and I am grateful for everything he has done for


Mihai Bocsaru from PRO IT Service SRL is delighted to be working in the new media industry.

We've evolved over the years from building static like websites way back in 1997 (the company is founded later, in 2002) to building up portals, blogs, online communities and ecommerce websites.

There are so many wonderful moments each and every day. I must say that on an ongoing basis we get to discover new ways to improve things, what the tendencies are and what other features we could be developing.

Six Apart Partnership for the Movable Type Publishing Platform

Six Apart Professional Member and Movable Type Authorized Partner Since early 2003 we've devoted about 80-90% of our time to developing websites using a very broad range of technologies and platforms. One of the publishing platforms that we are very known for is the Movable Type Publishing Platform developed by Six Apart, a wonderful team out there is San Francisco, USA.

Many of our customers would testify that we've really made a passion for using movable type for their websites projects and they've had a very pleasant time running their online presence.

Soon after delivering a large project to Arcelor Mittal, Six Apart mentioned us inside one of their newsletters and then contacted us proposing to become their Partner for EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa). That happened in 2007, came as a surprise and it was a great joy for our team.

Le Web 3 in Paris, France way back in December 2007 was the moment when I had the pleasure to meet some of the Six Apart crew in person. I've gladly met Chris Alden (Six Apart CEO), Olivier Creiche (Six Apart VP and EMEA GM), Michel Voitoux (Six Apart Sales Director for EMEA), Maarten Schenk (Six Apart Coordinator for Europe) and a few other Six Apart folks.

The chronological facts of our relationship with Six Apart and Movable Type are:

We've joined the Six Apart Professional Network way back in 2002, initially under a different name and later on re-branded as "PRO IT Service".

Soon after starting to use the product, we've joined the Movable Type Forums where we've started offering support to hundreds of movable type users, at some point our contribution being something like 20% of the forum replies.

During the second part of 2007 we've become Six Apart Partners for EMEA and an Authorized Partner for Movable Type. At the time when we've been invited by Six Apart to join their Partnership program, we've already been among the less than 10 service providers recommended by the Six Apart US Headquarter.

Since most of our movable type customers are from the US market we're having an ongoing excellent relationship with Six Apart USA.

Pair Networks Partnership for Website Hosting Services

Mihai Bocsaru started using Pair Networks, Inc., a reputable hosting provider from Pittsburgh, PA, USA, on July 2001 when he got an internship at a multinational company from Rome, Italy.

A few years later, he realized that there are so many big names in the hosting service industry that are offering terrible support, sometimes poor quality automated messages and other times either low quality trained support people or even badly speaking English personnel.

When a client from New York that was working at Yahoo at that time wasted 30 minutes in vain with a terrible customer support person from 1and1, it was clear that for the sake of using my time and my customers' time for things that we enjoy doing, it is wise that I start hosting some of my customers.

That was the moment when I've started to bring my relationship with Pair Networks Inc. to the next level and basically rent from them their most powerful enterprise level dedicated servers called QS-5 (QuickServe 5) and accommodate some of our customers there.

This was an excellent step in our business because we've stopped spending time with terrible hosting providers that some of our customers were using and we've started to offer professional hosting service at affordable rates.

In order to distinguish our services from what the market offers, we've added a couple of values added services that include plenty of backups and discounted prices for various technologies upgrades.

We remain available to partner with other companies in order to deliver high quality services.