Greg Raven

Greg Raven Racquet Sports

Racquet Sports Industry

I first became aware of PRO IT Service when it helped me out of a jam pro bono. I was immediately impressed by its depth of knowledge about Movable Type and MySQL, so after getting past the crisis, I hired PRO IT Service to help me upgrade a client with a customized Movable Type installation. Now, I'm about ready to move a huge Movable Type installation to PRO IT Service for hosting. I guess you could say I'm sold on PRO IT Service.

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Nevertheless my team and I have delivered over 300 projects during the last couple of years, we've been so busy with work that we didn't have the time to constantly update our portfolio. I'm going to make sure that from now on the projects we are working on are going to be listed under this portfolio, as well as gradually publish online the projects we've been involved on in the past. (mention added on February the 6th, 2009)

Mihai Bocsaru, Founder, Full Stack Web Developer @ PRO IT Service S.R.L.

SMC Diodes

SMC Diodes - Sangdest Microelectronics (Nanjing) Co. Ltd

Project Details:

Dan Corcoran, a US-based customer for which I've developed, contacted me in July 2012 saying that his wife owns a company in China and she needs a major technology improvement of the site itself, and for it to be relocated on a server farm that is fast and responsive.


August - November 2012

The Educated Exec

The Educated Exec Community Website

Project Details:

Philip Walker from Really Fine Media Limited asked me to work on a start-up initiative which to allow him to Educate Executives, while also allowing them to interact with the site and in between them.


May 2011 - July 2011


ARCS Website Development

Project Details:

Chuck Green from Logic Arts asked me to code a complex website for the "Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability", which is actually an association of institutions focused on "corporate sustainability".


May - June 2009 (Site)
February 2011 (Conference)

University of British Columbia

Movable Type Publishing Times Optimization for University of British Columbia

Project Details:

Daniel Mosquin, Education and Technology Manager at UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research contacted me regarding optimizing a blog with 1,600 entries and over 14,000 comments.


June 2011


Gestionale Auto integration within Letter Cars Movable Type Website

Project Details:

Vincenzo Ammirati from Letter Cars hired me to integrate his car listing website with GestionaleAuto, an online service where he adds cars listing which then appear on many car selling resources.


June 2011 - July 2011

Letter Cars

Letter Cars

Project Details:

Vincenzo Ammirati from Letter Cars, husband of a very nice woman, classmate of mine from the high school, contacted me to develop a website for his car selling business.


May 2010 - August 2010


ServiceSPAN Redesign

Project Details:

Dan Corcoran from ServiceSpan has been referred to me by another customer. Dan was glad with the work I've done for that other client, and wanted to redo his company Website together.


December 2010 - March 2011

Healthcare Shopper

Healthcare Shopper Redesign

Project Details:

My working relationship with Phil Daigle from Healthcare Shopper is very strong. This time Phil wanted to completely redesign his project, and to also change a bit the Web site architecture in an attempt to make the project more appealing and accessible for his audience.


February 2010

TRI Juice (Hybrid News)

TRI Juice (Hybrid News Theme)

Project Details:

Nick Morales from Exposure Concepts contacted me regarding movable type upgrade and the "Hybrid News" theme integration for the TRI Website.


February 2010

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality Conference

Project Details:

I've been working with Lee Dryburgh for a couple of projects so far, mainly for this eComm Conference which took place both in the US and Europe. This time Lee wanted me to build from scratch another movable type community Website for his newest Conference called Augmented Reality.


February 2010

Nigel Millard Photographer News Website

Project Details:

Nigel Millard is one of the photographers that work at hmmm... media Ltd, a photography studio based in London. I've developed the hmmm... news blog Website way back in 2007. At the moment Nigel wanted to create his own news blog.


December 2009

Healthcare Community

Project Details:

I've been contacted for movable type development for the NDA Healthcare Website. Over time we did various jobs, but the latest and the juiciest is the community section for the events' speakers.


Ongoing since November 2009

BlogPire Productions

BlogPire Productions

Project Details:

Jay Brewer from BlogPire Productions got in touch with me for switching his hosting provider from 1and1 to Pair Networks. The job involved relocating all the web site files, databases and email accounts from a hosting provider to the other.


November 2009

Terra Dent SRL

Terra Dent SRL

Project Details:

I've built the initial site on 2006, but since then the technology evolved and I've thought about improving this project. As the company wanted to rebrand anyway, this was a great opportunity to redesign and rethink everything based on the 2009 technology.


October 2009 - November 2009

Project Details:

Jeff Nelson tried to get his project done with somebody else and being unhappy with the result, he found me as one of the most reliable movable type developers. He trusted by skills and wanted to have me build up his project.


October 2009 - November 2009

Frank Petronio

Frank Petronio

Project Details:

Frank was hosting his blog with Media Temple and had it backed on a Berkeley database. From a certain moment, his Berkeley database became corrupted and he could operate his blog.


September 2009



Project Details:

What David asked for was something that I've enjoyed very much doing, as it beautified his Web site even more.


September 2009

Waldorf In The Home

Project Details:

The exact job that Rahima needed was to relocate her movable type driven Web site from a host to another and to upgrade her movable type installation to the latest release.


Ongoing since February 2009

Crisis Observer

Project Details:

Paolo had the idea to leverage somehow this financial crisis that the whole world goes through. Considering that he is a reputable journalist and that he knows so many other valuable journalists, Paolo proposed me to build together a Web site just about this financial crisis called 'Crisis Observer'.


Ongoing since February 2009

Urban Apertura

Urban Apertura

Project Details:

Chris Hero, a photographer from San Francisco contacted me for building up a photo blog for him. Over time we've added all sort of extra facilities to the project to maximize its potential.


February 2009

Grumpy Expat Forum

Grumpy Expat Forum

Project Details:

The job that Stu proposed was to install a forum package and to customize it to match the Grumpy Expat look and feel. He needed installation, customization and hosting services.


January 2009

Project Details:

The work I did on started with some template development, continued with publishing speed optimization, hosting switch and further movable type developments.


Ongoing since January 2009

Superyacht Photographer

Superyacht Photographer

Project Details:

As web developer, I have an excellent background also on slicing an interface design in web page format using xhtml/css table less format. David Churchill wanted to leverage my expertise and have me code his Superyacht Photographer Web site layout from TIFF into HTML.


December 2008 - January 2009

iMedExchange Blog

Project Details:

Tobin Arthur, Founder and CEO at iMedExchange, asked me for some specific movable type consultancy work from his movable type v3.35 trougleshooting, to further developments and search engine marketing optimization.


Ongoing since June 2007

Japanese Food Report

The Japanese Food

Project Details:

Thanks to what Harris Salat called "few important people on this industry" that referred him to me, I had the pleasure to work on developing his movable type based Japanese Food Report Web site project. The job involved full development, from coding the interface in web site format, to movable type development and hosting.


October 2007

Project Details:

The work for started with some movable type support, continued with an upgrade and some Web site source code clean up; to then conclude with applying the general Web site look and feel over the blog and even integrating the entire Web site within movable type.


Ongoing since April 2007

Racquet Sports Industry

Racquet Sports Industry

Project Details:

The work involved coding the Racquet Sports Industry online magazine new interface in Web page format, to install movable type and code the Web site around this publishing platform, as well as host it under our movable type professional facilities.


Ongoing since February 2007

hmmm... news

hmmm... news

Project Details:

The project executed for involved coding the reference design in web page format, movable type installation and development services. We've also relocated the client installation to our hosting solution and continuously upgraded it.


Ongoing since November 2007

eComm Conference

Project Details:

The job done for Lee Dryburgh from eComm Media consisted on the Emerging Communications Conference Web site backup and installation on one of our Web server as a rescue copy in case of any emergency.


Ongoing since February 2008


Project Details:

The Shiny Media Brandish.Tv blog was based on TypePad and Chris Price wanted me to professionally take care of its transition to Movable Type. The move included all the files related to this blog (images etc.).


March 2008

American Renaissance

Project Details:

I've welcomed American Renaissance to join the network of Movable Type Web site projects I'm personally hosting in partnership with Pair Networks, Inc.


Ongoing since December 2008

Project Details:

The work we've done for was to do a full backup and relocate it under one of our servers for a limited period just to make sure a copy is saved somewhere and to later relocate the entire Web site measuring about 5 GB and using about 2 TB of bandwidth.


Ongoing since November 2008



Project Details:

We've done some very nice work for Shiny Media in the past, especially on optimizing various parameters on their network of blogs. Chris Price, the Shiny Media Co-Founder and Managing Director came to us asking for a quote on switching the company Web site publishing platform.


March 2008



Project Details:

The assignment was to upgrade movable type to v4.x, then to install and integrate ez components with the movable type publishing platform and a bunch of other Web site updates.


December 2007 - November 2008

Too Lazy To Do It

Too Lazy To Do It

Project Details:

The TooLazyToDoIt Web site project is developed within the movable type publishing platform and it includes a series of blogging features, a facility to submit business ideas and a set of static-like Web pages.


October 2008 and December 2008

Lola Communication

Lola Communication

Project Details:

What I've been asked to do for Lola Communication, Luxembourg was to convert from a flash Web site into an HTML, fully indexable Web site, allow them full independence on publishing new stuff, search engine optimization, rss feeds and an audio player feature.


October 2008 - November 2008

Paolo Conti

Paolo Conti

Project Details:

The project involved building a static like Web site with some blogging features.


September 2008

Metro France

Metro France - Network of Blogs

Project Details:

It was quite an extraordinary experience working with this publishing giant.

The contract involved developing a network of blogs based on Movable Type Enterprise edition, initially for the French market and then also for the Spanish one.


February - June 2008


AdmissionsQuest Boarding School Blog - onBoarding Schools

Project Details:

The project included breaking down PSD file, coding the design in XHTML / CSS tableless format and implementing content management tools for easy updates.

AQ's boarding school blog runs on Movable Type v4.1.


April 2008

Arcelor Mittal LC

Arcelor Mittal Leadership Conference

Project Details:

Arcelor Mittal, the world giant steel company, needed a cutting edge Web site for their 500 top managers Leadership Conference called "Arcelor Mittal Transforming Tomorrow" which took place in Cannes, France during the period May the 29th - May the 31st, 2007


May 2007

Arcelor Mittal WebTV II

Arcelor Mittal WebTV - Creating History

Project Details:

During Arcelor Mittal Web TV Phase II, we've worked on the search engine optimization, the Blog, Episodes and Press Release areas, as well as a Photographs and Other Media section.


March 2007

FastServers.Net Blog

FastServers.Net Blog

Project Details:

Blog Survey, SEO Evaluation, movable type extra facilities development, advanced search engines optimization for FastServers.Net Blog (, Top 10 Web Hosting company.


February 2007

Arcelor Mittal WebTV

Arcelor Mittal WebTV - Creating History

Project Details:

Web site Development, coding Web site layout in XHTML/CSS tableless format, movable type installation, movable type extra facilities development, AJAX Rating development, advanced search engines optimization, maintenance for Arcelor Mittal, One of the greatest companies in the world.


January 2007

Ztudio Zero

Ztudio Zero

Project Details:

Web site Development, coding Web site layout in XHTML/CSS tableless format, movable type installation and extra facilities dev, newsletter generation, administration and delivery, advanced search engines optimization, hosting and maintenance for Ztudio Zero, Studio Photo Paris.


January 2007

Harvest Wizard


Project Details:

Recoding Web site layout in XHTML/CSS tableless format, movable type upgrade and extra facilities development, google adsense setup and targeting optimization, relevant amazon books automatic insertion, search engines compatibility for Harvest Wizard.


January 2007

Fitness Insight


Project Details:

Web site Development, coding Web site layout, implementing content management system, podcasting, search engines compatibility for Fitness, Le 2 e 4 route.


December 2006

BizReport's TradePub

BizReport's TradePub

Project Details:

Particularly formatted XML Feed Parsing and Automatic Web site Development, coding Web site section layout, implementing solution for automatically populating the content management system, search engines compatibility for BizReport's White Papers and BizReport's Magazines.


November 2006

Art Insight


Project Details:

Web site Development, coding Web site layout, implementing content management system, podcasting, calendar, search engines compatibility for Art, Arte e comunicazione (


November 2006

Auto Insight


Project Details:

Web site Development, coding Web site layout, implementing content management system, podcasting, search engines compatibility for Auto, Le 2 e 4 route (


November 2006

IPTV Evangelist

IPTV Evangelist

Project Details:

Web site Development, adjusting Web site layout, content management system upgrading and further developing, search engines compatibility, hosting and maintenance for IPTV Evangelist.


October 2006

On going services through hosting and maintenance



Project Details:

Implementing content management system for the Blogs and School Sections, as well as the embedded Random Quotes Facility. Search engines compatibility for BabyPips, the beginner's guide to forex trading.


October 2006



Project Details:

Web site Development, coding Web site layout, implementing content management system, search engines compatibility for BizReport, prestigious publishing company.


September 2006

Thrust AeroSpace

Thrust AeroSpace Services Inc.

Project Details:

Web site Development, coding Web site layout, implementing content management system, search engines compatibility, hosting and maintenance for Thrust Aerospace Services Inc., Industry Leading Services and Solutions.


August 2006

On going services through hosting and maintenance

The Bumble Bee

The Bumble Bee - Ken Thompson’s shared know-how on team dynamics, virtual collaboration, emerging technology and bioteaming

Project Details:

Web site Development, creating graphical interface, implementing content management system, search engines compatibility, hosting and maintenance for The Bumble Bee


June 2005 - July 2005

On going services through hosting and maintenance

API Kuwait

Arab Planning Institute - Kuwait

Project Details:

Web site Expertise and Development, coding graphical interface, implementing content management system, optimisation for search engines, newsradar development and integration for Arab Planning Institute (API)


June 2005 - November 2005

Wooden Flooring


Project Details:

Web site Expertise and Development, source code rewriting, content management system optimisation, optimisation for search engines, online payments processing system integration for Wooden Flooring .NET


October 2004 - November 2004

Crikey Moses - tips and tools for creatives edited by Andrea Rieniets

Project Details:

Web site Development, creating graphical interface, implementing content management system, search engines compatibility, implementing online profit making programs for


August 2004

Web Conferencing G.

Robin Good's Official Guide to Web Conferencing and Live Presentation Tools

Project Details:

Web site Development, coding graphical interface, implementing content management system, search engines compatibility, implementing online profit making programs for Robin Good's Official Guide to Web Conferencing and Live Presentation Tools (WCG)


August 2003 - October 2005

Communication Agents

Communication Agents Journal :: Robin Good's Communication Agents Initiative Stop surfing, Start Making WAVES! (learn how to)

Project Details:

Web site Development, coding graphical interface, implementing content management system, mini Web sites collection, search engines compatibility for Robin Good's Communication Agents Journal (CAJ)


May 2003 - November 2005

Kolabora :: Kolabora :: The Online Collaboration Authority - Breaking News, Commentary, Forums, Expert Advice, Tools Review And Guidelines On How To Best Present, Communicate And Collaborate Online

Project Details:

Web site Development, coding graphical interface, implementing content management system, search engines compatibility, implementing online profit making programs for Kolabora (KL)


March 2003 - November 2005

MasterViews Int.

MasterViews International :: Effective PowerPoint Presentations For International Audiences

Project Details:

Web site Expertise and Development, coding graphical interface, implementing content management system, optimisation for search engines, implementing online profit making programs for MasterViews International (MVs)


August 2001- November 2005

Master New Media

What Communication Experts Need To Know - Robin Good's Helps You Communicate More Effectively With New Media Technologies

Project Details:

Web site Expertise and Development, coding graphical interface, implementing content management system, optimisation for search engines, implementing online profit making programs for MasterNewMedia (MNM)


July 2001- November 2005


Arab Planning Institute - Kuwait - Journal of Development and Economic Policies

Project Details:

Initial Prototype and Complete Web site Development for JODEP (Journal of Development and Economic Policies), department of API (Arab Planning Institute)


March - April 2002