Chris Price

Chris Price Shiny Media
Managing Director

Shiny Media

Pro IT's knowledge of the blogosphere is immense. They have helped us with several technical projects including moving several of our blogs to Movable Type and speeding up our sites.

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Chris Price from came to me and this time asked for transferring Brandish.Tv, one of their over 40 commercial blogs from TypePad to Movable Type.

Project Details:

The Shiny Media Brandish.Tv blog was based on TypePad and Chris Price wanted me to professionally take care of its transition to Movable Type. The move included all the files related to this blog (images etc.).

Technical Specifications:

Imagine about having to transfer a Web site from typepad to movabletype which has 1901 public entries, 23 drafts, 2 pages in draft, 585 comments, 11 trackbacks, 2437 tags and 2184 images coming from a couple of URLs.

Switching from TypePad to Movable Type

Around middle of March 2008 I took this assigned and initiated the relocation.

The technical details were pretty similar to the ones involved on moving the main company Web site ( from typepad to movable type, in the sense that I had to do some templates work and to make sure the URLs are maintained.

You may know the discourse about maintaining the URLs which many technical people don't know how to program. I'm not going to repeat what I've mentioned about this and some other important technical details at

I would just like to say a few words about the job which took the most amount of time, and that was porting not less than 2184 images made of different formats, specifically .PNG, .GIF, .JPG and .JPEG.

Far the most difficult job was to identify the images, port the 75.9 MB collection of images and most importantly, updating the images source paths to the domain.

These 2184 images that measured 75.9 MB were referenced from 4 different URLs, all relevant to the implementation from typepad. The URLs were totally different!

Once the switching job was completed, the site pages were reachable at the same URLs, the tags have been ported as well, and I went ahead at doing some Quality Assurance (QA) testing.

The main test was to test the entire Web site and make sure that all the images were ported!

Once this job has been verified, I went ahead and checked some of the core movable type functions. As soon as this other job has been confirmed, I went ahead inside the Shiny Media Domain Registrar account and updated the DNS for to point to the movable type server, rather than the typepad DNS where it was hosted.

Do you need to relocate a type pad project yourself? Look no further! Get in touch for a quote. Blog Project Screenshots

As I wasn't involved on any design work, I would like to limit at providing below only two screenshots, one for the home page and another for the internal articles Web page.

If you want to see the Web site in action, just go to Main Page

Bran Individual Article Web page Individual Article

Technologies used:
TypePad, Movable Type.


Contracting from Shiny Media Ltd, London, United Kingdom


March 2008