Lee S Dryburgh

Lee S Dryburgh eComm Media Inc.


Mihai has fast response times, is keen to try out new things and quite clearly enjoys developing in Movable Type.

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Harvest Wizard

Harvest Wizard.com



Everything started with Steve Albert asking me to do some very little work on his Movable Type Web site. Discovering more about my expertise as a Movable Type Consultant Steve wanted me to recode his Web site layout in XHTML tableless CSS according to his reference layout and to include a series of excellent Movable Type Extra Facilities. The project is now hosted with us and receiving periodic SEO advice. Further more it is ready to make some cash from automatically displaying very targetted Google AdSense and selling targetted Amazon Books.

Project Details:

Recoding Web site layout in XHTML/CSS tableless format, movable type upgrade, movable type extra facilities development, google adsense setup and maximum revenue optimization, relevant amazon books automatic insertion, search engines compatibility for Harvest Wizard, A practical guide to food in the garden and market.

Technical Specifications:

Web site Improvement using XHTML v1.0, CSS Level2, JavaScript, Apache Mods, PHP and mySQL programming languages

Web site layout recoding in XHTML/CSS tableless format validated against the World Wide Web Consortium programming languages specifications. Reference design provided by the customer.

Upgrading and Optimizing Web site Content and content feeds

Implementing the entire collection of MovableType extra facilities.

Using web site parameters such as quality standards validation to insure good Google and other major search engines indexing


Contracting from Steve Albert, Sonoma Valley, California, U.S.A.


January 2007