Jen Pleasants

Jen Pleasants Show The Love Media, LLC


Mihai rocks! I have so enjoyed working with him. He is smart, professional, efficient and thoughtful. His recommendations have enhanced my business, and I am grateful for everything he has done for

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IPTV Evangelist

IPTV Evangelist


Project Details:

Web site Development, adjusting Web site layout, content management system upgrading and further developing, search engines compatibility, hosting and maintenance for IPTV Evangelist, Covering Technology, Trends and the User - by Gilbert B. Hammer.

Technical Specifications:

Web site Development using XHTML v1.0, CSS Level2, JavaScript, Apache Mods, PHP and mySQL programming languages

Further developing and Upgrading Web site Content and content feeds

Implementing MovableType extra facilities for: Email to a Friend, Printer friendly version, Online Bookmarking Services, Comment Anti Spam CAPTCHA Barrier etc.

Using web site parameters such as quality standards validation to insure good Google and other major search engines indexing

Hosting for: Internet Domain, Web site and email messaging

Maintained periodically


Contracting from Gilbert B. Hammer, New York City, U.S.A.


October 2006

On going services through hosting and maintenance