Lee S Dryburgh

Lee S Dryburgh eComm Media Inc.


Mihai has fast response times, is keen to try out new things and quite clearly enjoys developing in Movable Type.

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Jen Pleasants from ShowTheLove.com contacted me during January 2009 saying that she needs help with some movable type development.

Project Details:

The work I did on showthelove.com started with some template development, continued with publishing speed optimization, hosting switch and further movable type developments.

Technical Specifications:

On January the 20th, 2009 Jen Pleasants contacted me saying that she has a Web site project already developed using the movable type publishing platform, but that the resource she used to build up the project is not available for personal issues etc.

As it happens with each and every customer I have, I've right away positively answered Jen and we've soon established an online meeting on skype right on that day.

During this session Jen mentioned to me her current status, and the jobs that she wanted to involve me on. After carefully listening to her very needs, we've agreed on a time table and budget to address each and every item.

Soon after together with delivering this first assignment, I felt like making some recommendations to Jen. Most of these recommendations were for extra movable type development which to complement her Web site features set.

These features varied from search engine optimization features to community building.

Another important aspect of this project was related to the movable type publishing platform performances. I've basically noticed that on the server where Jen was hosting, there were some problems with the movable type response time and overall performances.

Furthermore the installation was filled with orphan files and plugins...

Those that know me personally have already learned that I don't like doing compromises in terms of movable type performance and stability. This being said I've proposed Jen to switch hosting to the service we are offering in partnership with Pair Networks.

After the transition has been completed, I've proposed Jen to upgrade movable type to the most recent version and to do a breakthrough inventory on the plugins porting only the ones that are indeed used on the project/

Jen noticed a strong improvement in the movable type performances from the very first day of hosting together. She noticed that the Web site backend operates much quicker!

I feel like mentioning that, among other development, we've integrated Google Adsense across the showthelove.com Web site sections in an attempt to start monetizing the Web site.

The agreement was to implement a couple of ad strips in some specific placements and to benchmark the results for two weeks. Then, we are going to rotate the positioning and evaluate for another two weeks. We're basically going to conduct this activity a couple of times until we gather which placements make the most money.

Jen is currently working on a book and she will soon need me to build a Web site for it.

Will gladly continue working with Jen on the showthelove.com project, her book Web site project and anything else she may need.

ShowTheLove.com Screenshots

I took a couple of screenshots which to give you an overview about the ShowTheLove.com Web site project.

If you want to see it in action, just go to www.showthelove.com.

ShowTheLove.com Main Page


ShowTheLove.com Blog Individual Article


ShowTheLove.com Community Section Main Page


Technologies used:
XHTML, JavaScript, Movable Type, Perl, PHP, mySQL.


Contracting from Show The Love Media, LLC, Portola Valley, California, U.S.A.


Ongoing since January 2009