Kevin McCormick American Renaissance

American Renaissance

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Too Lazy To Do It

Too Lazy To Do It



TooLazyToDoit is a lovely web site project whose aim is to let business ideas circulate, grow, and become a reality.

Project Details:

The TooLazyToDoIt Web site project is developed within the movable type publishing platform and it includes a series of blogging features, a facility to submit business ideas and a set of static-like Web pages.

Technical Specifications:

Paolo C. Conti, the reputable Italian journalist, book writer and entrepreneur for which we've already developed the Web site project, came to us asking for this other interesting Web site.

The initial assignment was to have us first design the Web site look and feel in Adobe Fireworks format based on some design guidelines from the client.

I've personally hand coded the design in Web page format using xhtml transitional v1.0 and css v2.1, table less format and obviously validated by the W3C and cross platform compatible.

The Web site was complemented with a number of extra features related to search engine optimization, online community, web site authority and monetization.

To summarize just a few of these features, we've made possible for users to save TooLazyToDoIt pages across a broad range of social bookmarking services, to have Google, Yahoo and MSN crawl more frequently the Web site and so get any new pages in Google within a day or two etc.

We've also claimed the Web site in technorati, set Movable Type to notify a number of services any time fresh content is being published.

Last, but not least, I would mention the feature which allows visitors to rate ideas, another one which displays the most popular ideas, most recent comments, the possibility to send an idea to a friend and more.

The Web site is monetized through Google AdSense and Amazon Books.

Worth mentioning is also that this movable type project is hosted with the movable type professional solution we are providing in partnership with Pair Networks, Inc.

The Web site width is compatible with the XGA screen resolution (1024x768)

The below screenshot contains the initial design reduced from 1004 pixels to 460 pixels to fit in this Portfolio Web page. If you want to see the full size look and feel just click on the following image.

Note: The following look and feel has been completely redesigned during December 2008. You could see the redesigned Web site interface further down on this page or going to

Too Lazy To Do It

Movable Type Web Site Redesign

Later, around the Christmas 2008, the client came up with an improved design made in house and asked us to code it and to implement it within Movable Type.

I've coded this new interface design using the same programming languages mentioned above and then carefully integrated it within Movable Type.

This redesign work didn't only involve coding the new layout and plugging in within the same movable type setup as before, but also creating a couple of other extra fields and extending the initial movable type development in order to cover all the Web site proposed changes.

You could checkout the new look and feel of the individual article page below. Again, if you want to see the full size version you should click on the image below.

Too Lazy To Do It

You may like to also have a look at the 'Post an Idea' Web page which allows Too Lazy To Do It visitors to submit their ideas to the Web site.

Too Lazy To Do It

Technologies used: XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL.


Contracting from Cedites, Milan, Italy


October 2008 and December 2008