Greg Raven

Greg Raven Racquet Sports

Racquet Sports Industry

I first became aware of PRO IT Service when it helped me out of a jam pro bono. I was immediately impressed by its depth of knowledge about Movable Type and MySQL, so after getting past the crisis, I hired PRO IT Service to help me upgrade a client with a customized Movable Type installation. Now, I'm about ready to move a huge Movable Type installation to PRO IT Service for hosting. I guess you could say I'm sold on PRO IT Service.

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Hannes Pintaritsch from Metro International

Hannes Pintaritsch

Hannes Pintaritsch Metro International
Technical Project Manager

Metro International

Customer since July 2007.

Recommends Mihai Bocsaru and PRO IT Service

Metro International, the World's Largest International Newspaper group, engaged Pro-IT-Services to set up, build and integrate a blogging platform into several of their European news portals.

Metro International chose the Moveable Type platform, and the core product was substantially enhanced by Pro-IT-Services with custom Plugin-development for supporting multi-language instances, and further development on templates, plugins and optimization for publishing times.

Pro-IT-Services was working with Metro International during development and supporting the Moveable Type installation in multiple launch phases.

They have constantly produced high-quality deliverables and Metro International is happy to recommend them for their quality of work.

Customer URL:

Customer from:
London, United Kingdom

Testimonial written on:
December 18th, 2008